TCI Management Consultants was founded in 1992. The firm consists of senior level management consultants (formerly with one of the 'Big 6' consulting firms) who espouse a philosophy of providing personalized and direct service to clients. Collectively, the individuals who comprise the firm offer well over 100 years of consulting experience.

Jon Linton BA (Geography) - University of Toronto
Telephone: 416-515-0815
Jon, a co-founder of TCI, has undertaken numerous projects in the arts, cultural, recreation and entertainment sectors including strategic and business planning, audience research and development, membership surveys, pricing strategies, feasibility studies, public policy development, social and economic impact assessments, and program evaluations. He is experienced with a wide variety of research methodologies and has directed several hundred projects in the cultural sector. He has also undertaken numerous economic impact assessments, using local, provincial and national input-output models. He has been involved in the design and management of over 200 separate surveys, and has directed many public policy and regional economic development projects, as well as assignments in the fields of hospitality, tourism, arts, culture, libraries and recreation for both the private and public sectors. Jon was formerly Director of the Ernst & Young's Hospitality, Tourism and Recreation Group in Canada. In over 40 years of consulting experience Jon has conducted work for a broad range of clients including hundreds of art galleries, museums, heritage organizations, libraries and government organizations. He is also a regular contributor of Book Reviews to Municipal World magazine.

Greg Young, CMC, MCIP, RPP, BA (Honours) - Queens University; MSc (Pl) - University of Toronto

Greg, a co-founder and Director of TCI, specializes in strategy, research, revenue generation and public policy analysis. He is experienced in a wide range of assignments such as strategic planning, market research, surveys, focus groups, policy development, privatization projects, economic development, impact assessments, financial modelling and program evaluations. He is a former editor of CCH Canadian's Training and Development Guide reference manual and newsletter. He has worked with hundreds of art galleries, museums, public libraries, archives, heritage organizations as well as clients in the public and private sectors. His particular expertise involves development of strategies and policies at a senior level to help organizations and industry sectors adapt to rapidly changing environments and by focusing on resource generation opportunities and effective asset management.

Richard Blanchard, CMC, MA Economics (Cambridge University); MBA (University of Western Ontario) Commonwealth Scholar. Ford Fellow.
Telephone: 250-247-9939
Richard specializes in economic analysis, marketing and market research, and program evaluation assignments in the cultural and telecommunications industries. He also has a substantial practice in preparing feasibility studies and business plans. He has a good understanding of the structure and dynamics of the principal cultural industries in Canada, including: film and television, music, book and periodical publishing, and the performing arts. He also has been involved in studies and reviews of many of the policies and regulations which affect them such as; taxation, Canadian content, foreign ownership, copyright, subsidy and grant programs, and distribution issues. He has analyzed many alternative means of providing support to Canadian cultural industries e.g. tax incentives, grants, and loans. His clients in the cultural area have included: federal and provincial governments, industry associations, cultural and artistic groups and private companies. He was a senior partner in Ernst and Young's marketing and economics consulting practice for 10 years, prior to co-founding TCI Management Consultants.
Associates and Partner Firms
We maintain a close working relationship with a wide range professional firms and individuals who are able to provide specialist skills and expertise depending on the requirements of individual projects. Our network includes highly respected professional firms engaged in practices such as architecture, planning, engineering, IT and technology, taxation, consumer market research, branding and communications, etc.
Many of the these firms also provide specialist expertise in areas such as archives, museums, libraries, art galleries and science centres.